Big picture question
Do We Simply Not Care About Old People?
I put this big-picture question, which rarely gets asked amid debates over budgets and policies, to health care professionals, researchers, [...]
Reclaiming dignity in dying
The Lost Art of Dying – A Book Review
Dr. Lydia Dugdale's book, "The Lost Art of Dying: Reviving Forgotten Wisdom" revisits the forgotten wisdom of ancient practices around [...]
Food for holistic health
Your body wants to be healthy! All it needs is the raw materials to re-build!
Food is medicine. Dear dementia caregivers, If you’re experiencing fatigue, weight gain, sleep issues, stress, or cravings for sweet or [...]
Instruments of peace
Teach Us to Count Our Days by Rev. Lynn Casteel Harper
“So teach us to count our days that we may gain a wise heart.” Psalm 90:12 Rev. Lynn Casteel [...]
A Dementia-Inclusive Event
HEART AND POWER: Utilizing Play for Your Mental Health
Mary Fridley, Coordinator of Reimagining Dementia: A Creative Coalition for Justice, recently sent word to us at about an [...]
Shaping the future of dementia care
Tribute to Kate Swaffer and Her Trailblazing Mission
Kate Swaffer is more than a name behind the Dementia Justice Report. She's an advocate, a voice, and a beacon [...]
Focusing on the present moment
Stressed out? Why mindfulness and meditation help us cope with the world
In a world fraught with anxiety, stress, and environmental and humanitarian disasters, people are looking for ways to cope. Many [...]
Transforming thoughts
See me – hear me
Dear friends, We are holding this space for “transforming thoughts.” Some are written specifically for the dementia community. All are [...]
Are we really all that different?
FREE eBook: 7 Surprising Differences Between Women’s & Men’s Brains ♀️♂️
Are we really all that different? Find out how these differences may impact you! You’ve probably heard the saying, “Men [...]
Challenging our cultural biases
TED Talk – Ashton on Ageism: Seeing the world through a more informed lens!
“Ageism refers to the stereotypes (how we think), prejudices (how we feel) and discrimination (how we act) towards others or [...]
Motivated by a compassionate spirit
How spirituality can help us cope with the trials of ageing
Spiritual engagement is losing out to efficiency when it comes to older age. Authors: John Wattis and Stephen Curran [...]
An urgent call to action!
Restoring Humanity in Dementia Care: A New Beginning
In our journey to understand and reimagine dementia care, we draw inspiration from the words of Mary Fridley, the Coordinator [...]