Creating Community
Trump receives socialized health care – and what about everyone else?
"Not only has the White House refused to agree on a robust and critical second relief package, but it has [...]
Mindful Presence
Happy Pumpkin Day
It was 2001, the first year we were together for Halloween at the ranch, one of our care partners helped [...]
Mindful Presence
“ElectroConvulsive Therapy” (ECT) for people living with dementia – Where’s our humanity?
“I believe dementia is the greatest shame of modern medicine; not because there have been no significant advances in treatment, [...]
Creating Community
Partnerism campaign for a new era: Beyond being stuck
“In the dominator system, the blade is the metaphor for power: a symbol of power to dominate, exploit and take [...]
Mindful Presence
Important Full Series Replay This Weekend – starting now!
Dr. David Perlmutter, MD, is hosting a FREE online event this weekend which offers cutting edge information and which is [...]
Sense of Place
“Vitamin G” – the color of green provides a natural high!
I had just completed the final tweaking and posted an article about "green space." Then - checking email messages, the [...]
A Sense of Place
Two prescriptions – “green space” or “confinement” … You choose.
Both parents had lived non-stop, very active lives - Mother in teaching and Dad in farm management. In retirement, they [...]
Mindful Presence
Why Study Alzheimer’s?
During the September observance of "Dementia Awareness Month 2020," we again raise the question, "Why Study Alzheimer's?" In this April [...]
Literary Companionship
How our simple gratitude list evolved into a “memory journal project”
Why journal? Many reasons! On both a personal and professional level, journaling is a powerful tool which can be life-changing. [...]
Food for Life
“The Need to Grow” – an award-winning film – available here until September 14!
The facts are grim. But - if we act - it’s not all doom and gloom. If you’re ready for [...]
Mindful Presence
Commemorating “Dementia Awareness Month 2020” – Language guidelines for conveying respect
Being conscious | Words matter The words we choose and the language we use in talking about dementia matter in [...]
Mindful Presence
Don’t count on a pill to save you. Learn why current Alzheimer’s meds do not work.
We live in a pill-popping culture which turns to medicine for a pill to cure every ill. In Episode #2 [...]