I had just completed the final tweaking and posted an article about “green space.” Then – checking email messages, the first one found in my inbox was from Michael Greger, MD. It contained a brief video with the scientific research to support “green exercising,” the value of “green spaces,” and even the benefit of just “viewing trees” outside the window for surgery recovery!

What a timely nexus to support the observance of Dementia Awareness Day – today, September 21!

A neophyte in understanding dementia

A cute little baby is wearing eye glasses and reading a library book for an education or learning concept.In late 2000 – three years following Mother’s diagnosis – I had arrived at a decision to invest in being together with my parents, even though I was a neophyte in my understanding of Alzheimer’s and dementia. My hypothetical question might have been, “To what degree would green space contribute to a more peaceful, aesthetic environment for people living with dementia?”

I had no way of knowing that scientific research would eventually support a green space environment for healing and mental health.

What we did know is that the property was surrounded by nature in a familiar setting next to the farm managed by Dad and Mother and where I had grown up. It was a property which we had all loved and on which many family memories were built. The old farm began just the other side of the fence that Dad had built several decades earlier.

We also knew that it felt right and it looked perfect to accommodate us. The earthy scent of clean air was detectible from the woods. We could see the old farm pond in the meadow from our bedroom windows. We had come back home.

We would stay together as long as we could all “manage” together.

A Sense of Place

It turned out to be a peaceful place for my parents to spend their final years.  Once Dad was taken off the powerful meds described here in our flip book presentation, they both knew exactly where they were. They maintained an awareness about “Sense of Place” until their final hours.  A recent narrative about the importance of our personal “green space” can be found in a blog posted here.

Dr. Greger calls the color of green a “natural high.” The three ranchers would have agreed!

And so, I loved this interesting presentation by Dr. Michael Greger! (6.16 min.) Don’t miss it.

Author: Susan Troyer