
A Sense of Place
Air pollution may contribute to Alzheimer’s and dementia risk – here’s what we’re learning from brain scans 

"Because the silent phase of dementia is thought to start decades before the manifestation of symptoms, findings from our recent studies raise concerns that air [...]

Mindful Presence - body, mind, spirit
How brains do what they do is more complex than what anatomy on its own suggests

"... my team’s bioengineering research focuses on relationships between brain structure and function. The overall goal is to scientifically explain all the connections – both [...]

Mindful Presence
How Oliver Sacks Brought Readers Into His Patients’ Inner Worlds

“Like no other writer, he showed readers how a compassionate doctor can treat the most misunderstood and marginalized patients by accessing their mysterious inner worlds.” [...]

2020-05-12T21:32:37-05:00May 12th, 2020|Categories: Mindful Presence|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Mindful Presence
How Oliver Sacks Brought Readers Into His Patients’ Inner Worlds
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