
About Susan Troyer

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So far Susan Troyer has created 345 blog entries.

Transcend traditional barriers
YouTube – Transforming Dementia Care: A New Perspective

In the evolving landscape of healthcare, particularly in the domain of dementia care, the introduction of the Experiential Model marks a revolutionary shift in our [...]

Big picture question
Do We Simply Not Care About Old People?

I put this big-picture question, which rarely gets asked amid debates over budgets and policies, to health care professionals, researchers, and policymakers who are older [...]

Food for holistic health
Your body wants to be healthy! All it needs is the raw materials to re-build!

Food is medicine. Dear dementia caregivers, If you’re experiencing fatigue, weight gain, sleep issues, stress, or cravings for sweet or salty foods, pastries, or pasta, [...]

A Dementia-Inclusive Event
HEART AND POWER: Utilizing Play for Your Mental Health

Mary Fridley, Coordinator of Reimagining Dementia: A Creative Coalition for Justice, recently sent word to us at about an upcoming free, global playshop of [...]

Shaping the future of dementia care
Tribute to Kate Swaffer and Her Trailblazing Mission

Kate Swaffer is more than a name behind the Dementia Justice Report. She's an advocate, a voice, and a beacon of hope for people living [...]

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