We Have This Moment

Used in a music skit at a family reunion, the words from a beautiful Gaither song were written by a talented caregiver on the hot pink heart-shaped prop: “We Have This Moment.”

Following our performance, the heart remained forever on our kitchen table as a reminder of the importance of each moment together. For me, it was a significant early lesson – a reminder that “mindful presence” required practice.

We honored and held memories together in a daily Memory Journal which we shared online with family members from DC and Baltimore to Scottsdale.  Learn more.

But still – while being a busy intergenerational household with a team of care partners, our need to have a schedule and stay on routine resulted in the purchase of this item on Amazon. It helped keep us together on the same page by answering the question: “What’s next?”

A light-weight table top easel 

The easel on the table contained the daily Memory Journal entry from the previous day along with an agenda for the new day.

I would find Mother and Dad leaning in together at the breakfast table to read the journal entry and the agenda. It contained the date – the month, day, and year. Family members celebrating birthdays and anniversaries on that day were entered on the agenda along with their photos. And, of course, all holidays were noted!


Easel became News Center

The news center also served as a reminder of appointments, outings, events, care partners scheduled for the day, and visitors we knew to expect.

At times, the news center held articles cut out by Mother, photos and snapshots of great grandchildren, little books recently received as gifts, and – almost always –  fresh-cut flowers! On the day of these photos, it was especially “busy” with birthday cards and flowers from friends and family. But, I would add, most days were “busy,” bustling and full.

It helped to center us – with all the news updates related to Mother and Dad’s well-being and preparation for the new day. Upon arrival in our great room, care partners would stop at the easel for an overview of events scheduled for the day.

Our news center helped to keep us focused

Easel used as News Center

It was placed on the table where they leisurely ate their meals and could easily refer to it. Mother usually kept her greeting cards close-by in wicker baskets and would often put out her favorites on the table for the day.

And … while Dad was still with us, she sat next to him feeling safe and secure, still helping to care for him. From the first to the last day at their table, she helped to keep the “news center” organized.

Learn more: https://amzn.to/3draphO


Posted by: Susan Troyer