Monthly Archives: November 2020

Food for Life
5 ways eating in a pandemic is improving your relationship with food – and why you should stick with them

"People have come home to roost around food in these unprecedented times, discovering new habits and insights about what it means to truly nourish themselves." [...]

Mindful Presence
More families are discussing end-of-life planning as COVID-19 cases rise – here’s how to start the conversation

"With family together, either in person or by video, the holidays offer an opportunity for deep, personal discussions about the future." -  Lindy Grief Davidson, [...]

Mindful Presence - body, mind, spirit
How brains do what they do is more complex than what anatomy on its own suggests

"... my team’s bioengineering research focuses on relationships between brain structure and function. The overall goal is to scientifically explain all the connections – both [...]

Mindful Presence
Finding joy in 2020? It’s not such an absurd idea, really

"Joy, on the other hand, has a mysterious capacity to be felt alongside sorrow and even - sometimes, most especially - in the midst of [...]

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