Your brain is the most valuable tool you have when it comes to navigating a pandemic.


Because it takes a healthy brain to make the best decisions when difficult situations arise.

Brain During Pandemic-Book GraphicWe all face thousands of decisions every single day, some more stressful than others. This stress, compounded by the stress of experiencing a global pandemic, can have a very real impact on the health of your brain and your quality of life.

This is why it’s more important than ever to take particularly good care of your brain, and also why Dr. David Perlmutter MD, and his team at Science of Prevention have released  this FREE ebook on How to Protect Your Brain During a Pandemic!

I’m honored to be able to share this resource with you!  Dr. Perlmutter is a highly-respected board-certified neurologist and #1 NYT bestselling author whom I have followed in recent years. The work he does has been meaningful to me personally based on my experience as a care partner with my parents – both diagnosed with dementia. Don’t miss out on this resource. It is an opportunity to enhance your own health status.

In this FREE ebook, you’ll discover:

  • One simple hack that will help you eat brain-healthy foods throughout the day
  • 4 tips for better sleep to help improve the function of your brain
  • A fun and enjoyable way to promote clearer thinking and better mental health
  • The little known benefits that exploring nature provides your brain

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Additionally, when you download How to Protect Your Brain During a Pandemic, you’ll receive access to watch the LIVE broadcast of Alzheimer’s – The Science of Prevention, where Dr. Perlmutter, along with 20+ leading experts in the field of brain health, will reveal the powerful ways you can reduce your risk of developing brain disease.

Download your FREE copy of How to Protect Your Brain During a Pandemic here! 

Here’s to embracing preventive medicine!

Posted by:  Susan Troyer