I don’t worry. I’m not afraid.

“I’ve done a lot of thinking about what I want my life to look like as I age. Two of the most important things for me are maintaining my physical mobility and strength and staying mentally sharp. And I’m grateful that I can say these aspects of my health have actually improved since my younger years. I feel better than ever! … I never stop looking into the most cutting-edge science to learn how I can age optimally.”

These are not my words, but they do reflect my thoughts about my own health status and how I feel about aging!

Thus, they resonated when they arrived in my inbox.

These words of Mark Hyman, MD, are found in his newsletter which I received within the last week. I have been following his work since 2009 – while still being with Mother at the ranch following Dad’s death.

Dr. Hyman is a prolific author. He began establishing a prominent presence in the media as his books rolled non-stop off the press. His award-winning publications have continued since that period.

A Functional Medicine Family Physician

It was a new millenium – the early years of 2000: I began a search which continued for several years in both Chicago and the downstate area. I was delighted to finally learn about a physician with these credentials just beginning her practice in an office located 30 minutes from the ranch!

Board-certified in BOTH functional medicine and integrative medicine, she became my personal family physician. Among the first 100 physicians to become certified in Functional Medicine, she is now a nationally-recognized expert in her specialty – and now practicing in the Denver area.

So I was familiar with Dr. Hyman’s approach to medicine.

By 2015 – when he was named by The Cleveland Clinic as their first Director of Functional Medicine, we included him as one of four physician pioneers to be recognized on our physician website.

He states…

“There are things we can ALL do, no matter our current age, state of health, economic level, location, etc. to feel younger while we grow older.”

Yes, I believe it is possible to have a feeling of aging backward!

But, what if…?

What if there’s no guarantee that anyone will escape a dreaded chronic disease? How can I sound so confident?

It’s simply my best crack at it – having pursued healthy practices for decades now – and knowing that I feel my best when experiencing these simple pleasures on a daily basis.

Here’s the question, elegantly posed by poet Mary Oliver, “What is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” My reply:  I will have lived my best life – each day – filled with these simple pleasures.

  • Nutritious food
  • Music-making
  • Literary companions
  • A strong sense of place
  • Mindful attention to mind, body, soul
  • … And the importance of creating community.

In this magazine, we have referred to these as Real Life Pleasures for a reason –  and with a basis in the following:

  • Based on my experience with two parents living with dementia, these are simple pleasures which people living with dementia can appreciate into their final hours.
  • Based on research findings, media stories, and articles, these are simple pleasures which promote creativity, discovery, and partnership in dementia care – for the whole care partner team.
  • Based on intuition, common sense, and living in proximity to a grandmother who was still gardening at age 100.

These are not contrived. They are simple, attainable – and REAL. I am convinced that our “6RLP’s” (Real Life Pleasures) matter – in one’s ability to fulfill a “wild and precious life.”

Join me in attending the series. Check it out here:

Along with some of his trusted colleagues in the field of Functional Medicine, Dr. Hyman is now offering a docu-series where you can learn more about his approach to good health through lifestyle accommodations and healthy practices.

Longevity Roadmap docu-series (free) between January 13th and 20th

Sign up now to gain access as soon as the series launches.

See you at this important online gathering!


Author: Susan Troyer