The SELFIE PROJECT page has undergone a recent renovation. Always “under construction,” we are in the process of upgrading and expanding the GALLERY and we are ready for your submissions! Learn more here.
Celebrating being together – via a Selfies “photo op.”
You and a favorite elder or loved one – with or without family or a group of people.
To have fun, expand and magnify the joy! Create a photo memory!
Your home! A residential care center! Wherever your elder friend or loved one resides!
Necklaces for everyone, including Koko! This Kodak moment was captured by Jamie Householter, a care partner at the ranch. Included in the fun on the front porch was Lydia Springer Rokey (center) who came with Jamie on a number of occasions for a “visit with Bob and Ethel.”
This is one of my favorite photos of my mother, “Miss Ethel” – because of how relaxed and amused she appears in this photo. It was taken in November 2001 – four years following her diagnosis of Alzheimer’s in November 1997.
And my father – also wearing a necklace for the photo…?? Well, he was being “tolerant” – appearing to read his news magazine – much like he did while rearing five daughters! He once told Jamie that “raising this second family” (the care partner team) was more difficult than the “first family.”
But – make no mistake – he was ALSO enjoying the moment!
Share your story through a new lens: “See me – hear me.”
Don’t miss the opportunity to portray your elder friend or loved one having fun and enjoying a moment surrounded by your carer team.
Let us evolve to a “new lens” where the person living with dementia is both seen and heard when surrounded by care partners.
Take a new view – try a new angle: Create fun moments in caring for loved ones living with dementia.
It’s good for the soul. It’s good soul care!
Check this link for more information about how to submit your Selfie to the Gallery. Please join us here.
Image by: Jamie Householter with Lydia Springer Rokey; Koko (an occasional visitor accompanying Jamie) held by Miss Ethel in the photo, and my parents Bob and Ethel in November 2001.
Susan Troyer
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