Mary Fridley, Coordinator of Reimagining Dementia: A Creative Coalition for Justice, recently sent word to us at about an upcoming free, global playshop of the Global Play Brigade to share with colleagues and friends, both locally and internationally.
Mary writes that she had the privilege of working with the Global Play Brigade (GPB) and its executive director, Rita Ezenwa-Okoro, since GPB launched three plus years ago during the pandemic. Mary states that she’s in awe of the impact they’ve had globally in that time!
Tens of thousands of people in every corner of the world, including those living with dementia, who have little access to traditional mental health care, have been involved in creating their mental health.
Mary adds, “…And speaking of Rita, she is a member and supporter of the Reimagining Dementia Coalition.”
HEART AND POWER: Utilizing Play for Your Mental Health – presented by The Global Play Brigade (GPB) and its executive director, Rita Ezenwa-Okoro
Rita’s invitation unveiled:
We are all dealing with mental health challenges. Either our own, our friends or family members, our communities. Stress. Loneliness. Hopelessness. Anxiety. Social isolation. Depression.
She cites research about mental health in the world’s population:
A 2023 study across 29 low, middle, and high income countries led by researchers at Harvard Medical School and the University of Queensland show that half of the world’s population will experience a mental health disorder in their lifetime. What a frightening and upsetting crisis we humans are dealing with!
She seeks to expand the scope of solutions to address the crisis:
I am a proud part of the Global Play Brigade community that came into being in the midst of the pandemic as a way to build creative, playful, caring, joyful, attentive spaces – for strangers and friends across borders to connect, listen and be heard, to support each other and grow in the process.
Play for adults
Rita’s invitation continues with this insight from the foremost scholar in the study of play – Dr. Brian Sutton-Smith, Emeritus Professor in the Graduate School of Education at the University of Pennsylvania:
As the pioneering researcher on play, Dr. Brian Sutton Smith wrote, “The opposite of play is not work, it’s depression.”
She states: I have personally felt for myself and seen in others the incredible impact that PLAY can have on emotional health, feelings of hope and optimism, new energy to deal with challenges, closer relationships, and overall well-being.
“Our play specifically includes improvising, poetry, sharing stories, movement, music, collage, writing, clowning, games with others – and more!”
Research, studies, projects and programs are proving the impact of play – not just for children – but for us adults too!
You and your organization are invited
Join hundreds of others from around the world. The global playshops typically bring together “strangers” from 25-30 countries. Together they experience the healing and nourishing – and joyful impact of playing together!
- March 1 and March 2, 2024
- Here’s the information you need to sign up! You may choose which day/time is best for your time zone.
- Please share the poster on social media with individuals and groups!
To register, click here.
Brava to The Global Play Brigade, volunteers, participants, and Rita Ezenwa-Okoro, Executive Director!
Posted by: Susan Troyer, Website author and curator
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