The broadcast of the Better Brain Blueprint has kicked off! So if you haven’t registered yet for this complimentary event, just click here to sign up now for all 12 episodes.
If you are feeling forgetful lately, you’re certainly not alone. But the great news is this: Groundbreaking research from across the world is telling us that we have the power to heal our brain and keep it sharp for decades to come.
This is an empowering series – not to be missed!
Here’s what we can expect when we register:
- Totally FREE access to all 12 episodes in the Better Brain Blueprint series broadcast online over the course of 12 days.
- 30 – 45-minute-long episodes with powerful science presented in a rich, easily digestible way with actionable recommendations.
- Simple tools and tactics we can use to help protect, heal, and keep our brain sharp – no matter what our age is!
- Practical tips and actionable steps we can take to improve our brain and mental health right now and for decades to come.
- 24 hours to watch each episode, at our convenience, each day! Then it will be replaced with the next episode in the series.
The first episode is going live today, and there’s still time to catch it! Over the next 11 days, we will receive an email with link to review each new episode. This is why it’s important to register today!
When we join this online broadcast, we’ll receive life-changing information we can’t find anywhere else, straight from the world’s top researchers and clinicians on the frontlines of brain science and mental health!
No matter what our health history looks like or what our age is, we have the power to improve our brain function by incorporating the information from this series into our daily life.
If you want to feel better, think more clearly, have more energy, and generally enjoy life more, this series is the blueprint.
→ Click Here to register FREE for the World Premiere of the Better Brain Blueprint
Then, set a reminder for yourself and get ready for the life-changing information that’s headed your way!
Hurry – while there’s still time to catch episode 1!
I’ll see you there!
Posted by:
Susan Troyer, MS, BA
Author and curator
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