Laughter in Dementia Care: A Healing Revelation

I still remember my father’s birthday, a day that could have been shadowed by the complexity of dementia. Our household was filled not with melancholy but with a heartwarming glow of joy and laughter. Jamie, a care partner and dear family friend dressed in clown attire, brought an infectious wave of delight. This followed Dad’s initial few tears when first seeing Jamie and Koko ascend our drive to the ranch. A sweet moment with my father!  That day, even amidst our daily challenges and triumphs, we were reminded of the healing power of laughter, a reminder that the human spirit thrives on connection and joy.


Without a doubt, in the winding passages of life, there’s a universal language that binds us all, cutting across barriers and boundaries—love. At the heart of this language lies laughter, an expression that knows no age, no condition, no restrictions. For elder loved ones navigating the uncertain byway of dementia, this laughter, this genuine spark of joy, offers solace, connectivity, and, above all, a momentary reminder that we are kindred spirits at heart.

The Need to Revisit Our Approach

The pressing need of the hour is to revisit and re-evaluate our approaches to dementia care. Traditionally, Western medicine, especially in America, has leaned heavily towards pharmaceutical interventions. But is that always the best solution? Does medication truly encapsulate the holistic essence of care? Or is there a space, perhaps previously overlooked, where laughter and love can play a transformative role? Let’s find out.

The Science Behind Laughter and Dementia

As heartening as personal experiences can be, it’s essential to note that the benefits of laughter in dementia care are not merely anecdotal. Multiple studies have underscored the positive effects of laughter and humor on the well-being of individuals living with dementia.


One such study, which was highly focused on dementia patients, was conducted by an Australian research team. Dr. Lee and her team delved into the therapeutic benefits of humor for dementia patients.


It’s essential to note that while the Australian study isn’t the first of its kind, its findings resonate with the growing body of evidence. Contrary to earlier beliefs, individuals with dementia retain the ability to grasp and relish humor. And more importantly, this laughter is a potential therapeutic tool, an alternative to routine pharmacological interventions.


Laughter therapy, the study reveals, is an equivalent counterpart to anti-psychotic drugs for managing agitation in dementia patients. Rather than administering a pill or resorting to restraints, a burst of laughter is a soothing balm. It’s not just about alleviating agitation; it’s about touching the souls of individuals living with dementia, providing them with joy, connection, and understanding.


Another study about humor, dementia, and purpose of life by Wingyun Mak and Silvia Sörensen emphasizes that adaptive humor styles are associated with a stronger sense of purpose in life for dementia patients. This finding underscores the importance of positive humor interactions and their potential role in enhancing the quality of life.

Moving Beyond Medication: A Cultural Awakening

In a society deeply entrenched in pharmaceutical solutions, embracing humor and laughter provides a more humanistic, empathetic approach to dementia care. These researchers show us the importance of liveliness and a positive atmosphere on the health of people living with dementia.


Australia, with its avant-garde approach to dementia care, exemplifies the paradigm that solely relying on pharmaceuticals can be a band-aid solution to dementia.  The Australian study on laughter elucidates that laughter therapy can indeed rival anti-psychotic drugs in assuaging agitation. Rather than being tethered to medications, this accentuates the human-centric approach, pivoting on laughter and connection.


And it’s high time that we, as a society, broaden our horizons and embrace alternative therapeutic interventions. By integrating laughter therapy into the care regimen, we’re not just addressing the symptoms; we’re touching the very soul of those living with dementia.


Laughter has been shown to mitigate agitation, potentially as effectively as anti-psychotic drugs, but with the added beauty of human connection. It’s not about replacing medication entirely but realizing the vast uncharted territory of holistic care that lies beyond pills.

Conclusion: Embracing the Power of Laughter and Connection

The essence of dementia care isn’t about finding a miraculous cure; it’s about ensuring every moment counts. It’s about genuine human connection, understanding, and, above all, love—a love that manifests through shared laughter and joy.  For people living with dementia, it serves as a bridge to memories, emotions, and moments of clarity. As the number of dementia cases continues to surge, it’s crucial to integrate this potent tool into our care paradigms.


As we move forward, it’s imperative to champion this blend of love and laughter in dementia care, making it a fundamental part of our care narrative. In the symphony of life, love and laughter are the melodies that resonate the loudest and the longest.


Contributing Author: 

Image of Zuley, A Content Writer and Author

Zulekha Ali (“Zuley”) is a freelance writer with a mission to provide quality content that helps readers solve their problems. Her commitment to delivering informative and impactful content enriches readers’ understanding and empowers them to make informed decisions.

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  Image of author-curator wearing Western hat

 Susan Troyer, MS, BA
