Scientific evidence reveals that one of the top strategies for great mental health is also one of the most often ignored. Eating the right food is one of the best things you can do for mental health.

A recent study found that people eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables — at least five servings per day — were more optimistic, more confident in their abilities, and less prone to depression.

Another study followed 166 people with depression – many of whom were on medication. After 12 weeks of eating a plant-based diet, their symptoms significantly improved.

Even more incredible?

These same natural foods block tumor formation. They eradicate carcinogens. They stimulate enzymes. They reduce inflammation and oxidation and perform thousands of other functions that are crucial to human health.

Overwhelming evidence, from a vast number of well-designed research studies, reveals that you can reduce your risk of almost every chronic illness by more than 80%:  dementia, heart disease, cancer, type 2 diabetes, and many, many other illnesses.

What are these foods?

John Robbins is an advocate of plant-based eating and has been one of my health heroes for many years. Perhaps you’ve heard of him or read his best-selling books, including Diet for a New America. I have been following John Robbins and The Food Revolution Summit since its initial presentation in 2011, the year of my mother’s death.

As you may know, John Robbins left his family’s billion-dollar ice cream empire to become one of the leaders of the modern “health food” movement. In this Masterclass, he’ll share his incredible story and offer some of the top tips distilled from decades of research.

This week, he’s sharing his Food For Health Masterclass, co-hosted with his son, Ocean Robbins who is also a best-selling author.

John and Ocean Robbins presenting Food for Health Masterclass

 This week – watch the Food For Health Masterclass with John and Ocean Robbins.

In this Masterclass, you’ll discover ten powerful food breakthroughs that can help you enjoy your healthiest, longest, and best life. I sincerely believe our bodies were meant to thrive – even during the most challenging passages of our lives.

What you’ll discover can reduce your risk for dementia – as well as other serious health challenges.

Supercharge your health! Don’t miss the Masterclass while it’s still available.

Reserve your spot here. [FREE]

Here’s to nurturing your healthiest, longest, and most inspired life.

A Friend and Advocate,

Susan Troyer




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